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Comment count is 8
Nikon - 2011-08-21

I'm not really sure what he has to do with this event but this is a big step up for him from Two and a Half Men.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-08-21

Juggalos always come equipped with plenty of trash just for moments like these.

CornOnTheCabre - 2011-08-21

Charlie Sheen uses Joke!

It isn't very effective...

memedumpster - 2011-08-21

"Wuh-Wuh-Winning" R (2012)

Charlie Sheen stars in this hip modern remake of the Principal as the last chance for a run down suburban all white school where the kids have all but given up hope for convincing their favorite band, ICP, to play the senior prom. With tough love and the wisdom of a wise old janitor (Gallagher), can he turn the school around and save the prom with music and family clown love?

Void 71 - 2011-08-21

The worst ones never overdose.

Riskbreaker - 2011-08-21


gmol - 2011-08-22

5 stars for the catch at 0:58, credit where credit is due.

BHWW - 2011-08-22

Just when you think you've hit bottom, suddenly the bottom gives way and you're just freefalling through the dark again.

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