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Comment count is 13
NoCode - 2006-12-12

Oh my god. That says "Toilet Full of Presents" at the top, right?

kingarthur - 2006-12-12

Rev. Ricky, you done blowed my damned mind.

Bone_Vulture - 2006-12-12

-4 stars for the first half melting my brain. +4 stars for the final comment.

dueserpenti - 2006-12-12

Algorithms and Logorithms or whatever.

KnowFuture - 2006-12-12

If there is a God, this whole thing is an elaborate joke put on by the Church of the Subgenius....

Dummy Rum - 2006-12-13

Nitpicker's comment: "dead" things never existed before living things. Rickey means "nonliving".

Xiphias - 2006-12-13

Thanks Dummy Rum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're helpful!!!!!!!!!!

merzbau - 2006-12-13

what the fuck balls poop

blackbetta - 2006-12-30

Evolutionists are afraid of questions and bananas.

KozmicBlue - 2007-04-03

Were they stoned in the first part...? Also hates evolution, loooves toilets, apparently

Hooper_X - 2007-05-04

Holy fucking shit. The only answer is me. And obscene sex. How can anyone take this seriously?

Pie Boy - 2007-08-23




j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-07-26

I am scared and confused.

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