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Desc:They store everything from Flight 93's remains to Bill Gate's pictures to actual records
Category:Science & Technology, News & Politics
Tags:Storage, theres probably a conspiracy theory too, the worlds greatest library, iron mountain
Submitted:Tom Collins
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Comment count is 9
kamlem - 2011-06-15

The day the clown cried at 2:17

Influence Device TIMR - 2011-06-15

this is the dumbest fucking bullshit in the entire history of dumb fucking bullshit

one star

Aelric - 2011-06-15

My guess is that those inside this vault will have the best chance of making a new civilization after the bombs drop.

baleen - 2011-06-15

I worked for an insurance company that used Iron Mountain to store it's files. That's about as interesting as it gets.

kingofthenothing - 2011-06-15

Looking forward to the "Fallout 4: Iron Mountain" add-on.

Influence Device TIMR - 2011-06-15

haha lol yeah I too can only relate to the world in terms of completely irrelevant reverences to imaginary video game sequels.

man I hope they make a mortal kombat game out of this thread!!! FTW!!!!!!!!

Influence Device TIMR - 2011-06-15

as well as reverences I also have references

Chalkdust - 2011-06-15

I love big holes in the ground full of random weird and sort of creepy stuff


garcet71283 - 2011-06-15

Cool, we use this at work. Neato

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