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Desc:'When they sentence you, they're issuing a curse. They're issuing a spell.'
Category:Educational, Religious
Tags:schizophrenia, Sovereign Citizen, priests of Baal, magic for real
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Comment count is 11
Oscar Wildcat - 2011-06-07

Incredible! I'm sort of imagining a circuit court judge with bladder troubles driving one of these people into a frothing madness....

chumbucket - 2011-06-07

So if end up in court for say, robbery, can I establish myself as a "pirate"? If so, can I then request a recess to return in full peg-leg and eye patch?

oddeye - 2011-06-07

If you don't mind getting hanged in a few short hours, sure.

Xiphias - 2011-06-07

http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-files/ideology/ sovereign-citizens-movement

for those interested in the (white separatist) origins of this nonsense

StanleyPain - 2011-06-07

This reminds me of that News Radio episode where Joe claims there is a secret word you can utter to make a Masonic judge rule in your favor and it turns out to be true.

dead_cat - 2011-06-08

Now the pope, HE knows how to rock a white suit. Not like these jackasses.

kamlem - 2011-06-08

Bo Knows Entertainment.

Dr Dim - 2011-06-08

What is your fascination with insane Australians, USA? This guy should be heavily medicated, quietly playing dominos with Jesus and Cleopatra, not giving legal advice. Even the caller seems to be getting worried towards the end. By the way, Mr O'Collins has a website and it is amazing.


Rudy - 2011-06-08

baa baa I'm a magical lawyer sheep baa baa I curse this case until it's dismissed baa baa

cognitivedissonance - 2011-06-08

This is what happens when you cut civics education funding so you don't have the slightest chance of letting a non-white child learn how to vote: basic civics becomes some sort of gigantic cult of Baal, navigable only by the few who know the secret ways and means.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-06-09

So you basically need to play Dungeons & Dragons for a couple of years and you've basically got the American legal system down pat.

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