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Comment count is 12
Bootymarch - 2011-05-11

No Double Decker Bologna Sandwich?

I am officially losing faith in the internet.

WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2011-05-11

No twinkie wiener sandwich? What the christ, internet

baleen - 2011-05-11

Not comprehensive, but deeply moving nonetheless.

Hammer Falls - 2011-05-12

-1 for no Cap'n Crunch, Pixie Stix and mayo.
+1 for the mid-chew dramatic pause of Denzel.

Wander - 2011-05-11

Inspiring. If only we could all live up to the ideals these sandwiches put forth.

jangbones - 2011-05-11

Rodney Dangerfield's buffet rape from Back to School

"I learned this in the Navy"

Billy the Poet - 2011-05-11

Good sandwiches, but this cannot be complete without Jerry and Ben's butter and brie baguettes from Twin Peaks.

cognitivedissonance - 2011-05-11

Truth and sooth, good sir.

phalsebob - 2011-05-11

I think I spotted a sanguich.

Hugo Gorilla - 2011-05-11

You are loose cannon, sandwich. But you're a damn good cop!

Old_Zircon - 2011-05-11

-1 for omissions

pastorofmuppets - 2014-05-11


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