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Desc:I was reminded of this both by the recent McDonalds video and shareware week
Category:Video Games, Fashion
Tags:sexism, space quest, DOStalgia, space quest 4, roger wilco
Submitted:Jet Bin Fever
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Comment count is 7
Raggamuffin - 2011-04-28

I had no idea that William Murderface used to work at a burger joint/be an alien pig thing.

CharlesSmith - 2011-04-28

Did this game always have voices?

Corman's Inferno - 2011-04-28

Yes. Oddly, they didn't have voices in Space Quest 5. This video made me remember the array of toppings in Monolith Burger - "I'm a watery, flavorless substance with a passing resemblance to mayonnaise!"

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2011-04-28

This was back when you either got the basic floppy disk version, or the CD Rom version will all the recorded voices and other features. Sierra did that a lot back then.

FABIO - 2011-04-28

This was also back when sound quality was terrible and all video game acting was done by the programmers and secretaries. Missing out on the voice acting was a good thing.

theSnake - 2011-04-28

Yep, videogame voice acting is a lot better now.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-06-02

FABIO, I can't believe how wrong you are.

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