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Desc:Man makes a sex toy explosive intended to blowup his ex-girlfriends.
Category:Crime, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:Bomb, sex toy, revenge, Worst relationship, Do you feel it now?
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Comment count is 11
Mother_Puncher - 2011-04-03

This guy is awesome but I'm sure he got the idea from a Brotha Lynch Hung song.

Oktay - 2011-04-03

Nope! It was Tom Jones.

The McK - 2011-04-03

^ All for Oktay.

garcet71283 - 2011-04-04


Charles - 2011-04-23

Ahhh, I was thinking "What's New Pussycat"

TheOtherCapnS - 2011-04-03

Wait wait wait. Hold the phone. This guy had three breakups that ended badly? But he was always nice when he came into the liquor store. What could have gone wrong?

fluffy - 2011-04-03

"One of three girlfriends he had a bad breakup with."

Somehow I suspect he hasn't had any relationships end any other way.

Tom Collins - 2011-04-03

I mean what is the first thing you do with a new vibrator? Turn it on. All duder would have done is blow their hands off, assuming he could even make a detonator.

Mother_Puncher - 2011-04-03

That pastey complexion, shitty facial hair and unkept mullet tells me this guy knows his way around bombs. And cellars

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-07-01

If this had taken place in Texas, the dildo would have been illegal, but once you armed it with explosives and buckshot, it would become a concealed weapon, and therefore legal.

The Mothership - 2014-08-21

This is a sex toy, for the world, that gives explosions to ex-girlfriends.


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