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Comment count is 7
augias - 2011-02-25

My mom used to watch this one. Ya'll in the States don't know what you're missing with your shows and their "acting" and fancy "writers" and "production value" and "verisimilitude".

memedumpster - 2011-02-25

I laughed at this so hard. Will 5 star it once someone tells me this is actually what they said, otherwise my laughter was stolen and I want it back.

augias - 2011-02-25

Naw, the girl in the wheelchair was in love with the villainess' man

memedumpster - 2011-02-25

:, (

pastorofmuppets - 2011-02-26

Pretty sure she calls her a demon cripple before the old lady steps in.

feathersfall - 2011-02-25

I remember this one so vividly I seriously almost died laughing today when I watched this at work.

pastorofmuppets - 2011-02-26

I'd never seen what's after the first 30 seconds. I hadn't dreamed it was that amazing.

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