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Desc:'I had fun playing this.' Too bad bioware can never get quotes like that for the back of their boxes
Category:Video Games, Crime
Tags:Two World, generic complient, A great RPG
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Comment count is 5
StanleyPain - 2011-02-26

I was pretty astonished when I played this that they actually used the years since the first game to make a game basically worse than the first, which is no small feat.

hentaiwolf - 2011-02-26

At least it's more stable.

Eroticus E - 2011-02-26

They're translated quotes from German publications. Why is this video here.

StanleyPain - 2011-02-26

Well, to begin with, it's already funny that a trailer for a game release in North America should be filled with nothing but vauge, empty quotes of praise from German gaming websites that are basically the European equivalent of IGN (only worse). Beyond that, though, the publisher essentially managed to get Two Worlds 2 a vastly favorable response in Europe by essentially bribing magazines with expensive ad campaigns and the promise of putting their URLs in the trailer, threatening to never send any preview product of any future titles to any publication that gave negative reviews, and filling all manner of important websites and online retailers with sock accounts to give 5 star reviews and generate fake-y word of mouth.
Destructoid was never paid for the ad space they gave Topware/Southpeak after saying dodgy things about the game, and IGN has said that their preview article for the game was accessed thousands of times within a week (hundreds of refreshes an hour) which put it high up in their "hot game" rankings.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-03-01

Hey look, another bad Lord of the Ringsesque fantasy game.

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