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Comment count is 11
WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2011-02-19

-The gun that magically appears in his hand between takes
-The way he keeps spasming long after the guns stop firing
-They empty like 20 rounds into him and then check his pulse afterward

The Wire has spoiled me on this shit forever.

WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2011-02-19

Also Bieber owns. 420 infuriate heteronormative males erryday

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-02-19

Later in this scene, he is revived by his bowl cut.

Tom Collins - 2011-02-19

Then he's shot again by an overweight middle aged stalker dressed as a girl.


freedoom - 2011-02-19

Why would crime scene investigators have guns?

baleen - 2011-02-19

In TV Land the Forensics team is also the jury!

StanleyPain - 2011-02-19

On CSI, the CSI techs:
1. Carry guns.
2. Question suspects.
3. Conduct all aspects of the investigation.
3. Are able to sample and ID DNA, fingerprints, blood, etc. in about 3 minutes.
4. Can locate anyone anywhere using GPS and a sample of their breath.
5. Get into massive shootouts about once every 2 or 3 days.
6. Order actual police personnel and detectives around to do what THEY want.
7. Can see into your mind with a lighter and a gum wrapper.

Freeman Gordon - 2011-02-20


freedoom - 2011-02-20

I knew there was a reason i don't watch this show.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-02-21

Arg, atrocious.

Supahfly - 2011-02-20

He went out with a bang!

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