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Comment count is 12
kingarthur - 2006-11-27

Sigh...memories of a happier, publicly funded world...

RoyCastle - 2006-11-27

oh the stuff that formed our very personalities..

takewithfood - 2006-11-27

We used to give kids so much credit.

stanleypain - 2006-11-27

Where's the Bloodhound Gang?

Ursa_minor - 2006-11-27

contact is the answer, is the reason that everything happens.

Jacques Strap - 2006-11-27

gimme some Mr. Wizard!

athodyd - 2006-11-27

It's a good thing Lisa had that umbrella.

Bone_Vulture - 2006-11-28

Oh man, that made me cheery. I feel smarter already!

Caminante - 2006-12-05

"Do you know how to spin?" Well, sure. "... ON ICE???" WHOA WHOA WHOA HOLD ON!!!

fluffy - 2007-01-06

I miss this show.

Charon - 2007-07-17

I'm a happy man right now. Thank you, Rishi.

chumbucket - 2008-04-10

the most rockin' tight kid show theme music ever created by man

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