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Desc:Since nobody actually played it, this is the ending.
Category:Video Games
Tags:FMV, Sega CD, Bad acting, sewer shark
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Comment count is 8
Bone_Vulture - 2006-11-29

That's... too awful in a bad way to be even ideal MST3K fodder. The dark age of "CD-ROM multimedia".

Colonel Cowlung - 2006-11-29

I played it. I beat it. It wasn't worth it. Glad to see they trademarked "Crazy Looking Thing."

athodyd - 2006-11-29

So you play alll the way through that crap and you don't even get the chick? Sega deserved to die.

Meatsack Jones - 2006-11-30

I too played this to the end...I am so ashamed.

xenocide - 2006-11-30

You're shark bait!

Grace Mugabe - 2006-11-30

Does not feature 1,000,000 pounds of tubesteak.

Thekingofpants - 2006-11-30

Wow, Jay Ferguson did the music? Jesus Christ he also did music for The Iron Chef and Crypt Keeper!

Caminante - 2006-12-02

What the Fresh Hell is going on?

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