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Desc:Artists arrested for displaying art at art gallery, in defiance of censorship
Category:Arts, Crime
Tags:republicans, art, National Portrait Gallery
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Comment count is 8
Sundry - 2010-12-14

Was management involved at any point before the arrest?
Because it just seems like security was doing what they regularly do when facing something they don't now how to deal with. Interfere until people with real badges show up, at which point arrest is almost automatic.

Meatsack Jones - 2010-12-14

They protested it right off the net it seems.

rural - 2010-12-14

Some important context: these two were arrested for attempting to supply the missing video censored from the exhibit after Republican pressure: David Wojnarowicz work "Fire in my belly." The video featured ants crawling on a crucifix.

Meatsack Jones - 2010-12-14

Ahh, it's back now.

10 seconds on a 30 minute video of Jesus and ants. Now the Appropriations Committee and the Smithsonian are screaming circles?

How did we last this long?

memedumpster - 2010-12-14

Who says we did?

sjohnson301 - 2010-12-14

America's largest museum makes a stupid decision.

Let's protest by harassing two security gaurds that make .50 an hour!

Timothy A. Bear - 2010-12-14


That guy - 2010-12-16

The first response from the security guards of a federal building is to forbid the uninvolved from taking flyers, not to kick the trespassers out?

And how the hell did they get compliance on that?

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