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Comment count is 15
mouser - 2010-12-10

But can he do Seven Nation Army in Rock Band?

Supahfly - 2010-12-10


jyrque - 2010-12-11

You are one million years too early to be this groovy.

Syd Midnight - 2010-12-11

black people to the rescue

Oscar Wildcat - 2010-12-11

"Old people who know how to actually play instruments rather than manipulate samples on their macpros" to the rescue.

dichotic1 - 2010-12-11


kennydra - 2010-12-11

I have an immense dislike for drummers and drum solos.

Not this guy.

roughnready66 - 2010-12-11

Big groovy beats

voodoo_pork - 2010-12-11

I have to do this in order to take a shit.

1394 - 2010-12-11

Grudgingly 5 starring a drum solo.

Walker - 2010-12-12

With his eyes closed!!!

dr_rock - 2010-12-12

5 starring because of his nutty personality, but nothing here is difficult. He is the epitome of a one-trick pony with his little shuffle groove.

Syd Midnight - 2010-12-16

It's the notes you don't play

Lauritz Melchior - 2010-12-17

Now I'm no drummer, but I don't think that people are five-starring this because of his virtuosity. Rather, it's his musicality.

sparklefatty - 2011-01-22

Virtuosity and musicality used to be one and the same.

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