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Desc:Ah my eyes AND ears! How is it possible to offened every sense at once?! (2-legit-4-73q)
Category:Horror, Fashion
Tags:Poison, hambeast, bad cover, human mountain, trailer park girls
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Comment count is 9
phalsebob - 2010-09-26

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phalsebob - 2010-09-26

Sorry, sometimes that is the only appropriate response.

RocketBlender - 2010-09-26

Sometimes, it has to be done. We understand.

mashedtater - 2010-09-26

dont be sorry for doing what was needed

StanleyPain - 2010-09-26

This would be perfectly awesome if some guy dressed in military fatigues and a ski-mask were to slowly, SLOWLY sneak up on her during this whole video in the background until right at around the 4 minute mark rises up from behind her, grabs her head, and slits her throat. Then as she slumps down, he slowly makes his way off camera.

RocketBlender - 2010-09-26

Thought it was a girl in the preview, heard the voice and second guessed myself a brief moment. 5 for that.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-09-26

Wait, was this slowed down to half speed? It was, right?

Robin Kestrel - 2010-09-26


hammsangwich - 2010-09-30

How many mobile homes can you string together? I see at least 3.

+5 for ASCII facepalm

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