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Comment count is 7
gotterdamm - 2010-07-16

Know what? I kind of like the guy now.

Maybe it's the booze talking, but he seems to take his nerdiness with good spirit.

baleen - 2010-07-16

Yeah, he's kinda an upstanding guy for a nerd.

chairsforcheap - 2010-07-17

i would LOVE to have a brew with this guy.... probably just one though.

memedumpster - 2010-07-17

Why isn't "fat wolverine" one tag? It seems so obvious.

chairsforcheap - 2010-07-17

good to see he's doing well....

Comeuppance - 2010-07-17

... I used to play the World of Warcraft card game.
It was fun.
Also, a carbon copy of Magic: The Gathering.
Which I also played.

I also used to play World of Warcraft.
And Fallout 3.
And was fat.
And used to collect knives.
I knew the name of those claws by sight.
I know they come with a hangable wood display.

Doctor Arcane - 2010-07-17

Meh. I thought it was the guy who built the retractable ones and now he made something cooler.

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