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Comment count is 26
MaulLove - 2010-06-09

I can't really rate this, it's too annoying.

spikestoyiu - 2010-06-09

Imagine the hell her parents live in each and every day.

blood_visions - 2010-06-10

that's why god invented xanax

phalsebob - 2010-06-09

I like the original Kate Pierson better.

NewHeavenSalesman - 2010-06-09

So wait, is she going to teach me japanese or give me fashion tips?

Adham Nu'man - 2010-06-09

33 seconds was my personal record.

hammsangwich - 2010-06-09

00:18 and then I decided Royals baseball was more worthwhile.

klingerbgoode - 2010-06-10

george best poopin' in his pants

Sputum - 2010-06-09

She's listening to crystal castles. This is why I can't bring myself to listen to crystal castles.

spikestoyiu - 2010-06-09

She would be.

Longshot- - 2010-06-09

Well, I made it to 1:25. How did you guys do?

Candlejackv616 - 2010-06-09

41 seconds.

James Woods - 2010-06-09

One minute thirty nine.

This clip reminds me of Omega from the book Children of Men. 'There is no Future' should be activated sooner or later.

poorwill - 2010-06-09


We need more pink scene videos.

Operation Cornflakes - 2010-06-09


takewithfood - 2010-06-09

O:28, including the second it took to actually pause it. You people are made of tougher stuff than I.

zerobackup - 2010-06-10

:17 fuck this

kingofthenothing - 2010-06-10

I just kind of skipped around after 0:15, figuring it was all just more of the same, and, as it turned out, I was right. If you can sit all the way through this, there's something wrong with you.

Hubba Bubba Nightmare - 2010-06-10


Pillager - 2010-06-10

What mad scientist thought it would be a good idea to clone Boxxxy Baby & Rainbow Bright?

Syd Midnight - 2010-06-10

On second thought no need for insulin, she's human aspartame

standard8mm - 2010-06-10

I'd rather watch Chris Chan.

EvilHomer - 2010-06-10

0:46, but dash it all, if I could make it through Fat Man Vomits In Tub I'll sure as hell slog through this eventually.

tankgirl - 2010-06-10

This woman is 25 years old.

I too want to live in a dream world of magic.

klingerbgoode - 2010-06-17

is that true though, because i once knew a girl who was EXACTLY like this who also said she was 25. she turned out to be 16.

klingerbgoode - 2010-06-17

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