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Comment count is 14
splatterbabble - 2010-06-05


CrimsonHyperSloth - 2010-06-05

The gay rights movement should make this their anthem, and I'd probably tear up every time I heard it.

Architeuthis Tux - 2010-06-05

That was superb.

But what can you do, Mormolyke, with the statements from Tony Hayward?

I'm betting you can do something really good.

thirteen3seven - 2010-06-05


pastorofmuppets - 2010-06-06

Loved it.

Timothy A. Bear - 2010-06-06

Well done, sir.

wtf japan - 2010-06-08

It's ma'am, I think.

Lies, lies, LIES! - 2010-06-06

She's got the goods.

Mormolyke - 2010-06-06

Wow, cheers everyone!

Original Phillip Spooner speech for context: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrEbJBFWIPk

Spider Jerusalem - 2010-06-06

This is just as fantastic as the Ashcroft work, Mormolyke. Do you know if Mr. Spooner has seen this?

Mormolyke - 2010-06-06

Heh, Gonzales, not Ashcroft. I tried to get permission to arrange an Ashcroft work, but we had "artistic differences."

A friend of mine up in Maine was going to try to contact him this weekend - no news yet. This all happened awfully quickly. I didn't want to contact Mr. Spooner while I was composing it because I didn't know if or when it would be performed. Suddenly it won this competition and had its premiere only a few weeks after I finished it. Now I'm waiting for the good recording on CD to be issued, so I can mail it to him with some kind of thank-you gift, yet to be determined.

RockBolt - 2010-06-09

also here


Spider Jerusalem - 2010-06-06

Gonzalez, of course. The one that I didn't get into a shouting match with. I always mix them up.

Compliment stands.

happy_ending - 2010-06-12

You continue to amaze me. Thank you for this.

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