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Comment count is 9
The Mothership - 2010-05-24

Slo-mo balloon popping.

bluiker - 2010-05-24

Why so explody?

BHWW - 2010-05-24

I've actually seen this one; the gist is that a terrorist and his gang have gotten ahold of a chemical that looks and tastes like water but turns anyone who drinks it into human bombs.

Plus Ron Silver played a sleazy, smarmy guy with a hidden agenda. (surprise!)

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-05-24

That is a lovely fountain.

Riskbreaker - 2010-05-24

The clown.....it's gonna explode!

baleen - 2010-05-24

That was an awful, awful cut to exploding clown.

Charles - 2010-09-22

I especially like how, between the moment he hits the stand to the moment he explodes, several hours have passed. Where has my missing time gone???

thatonegirl - 2010-05-25

Clown go ka-boom.

Syd Midnight - 2010-05-25

You had me at the video title

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