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Desc:user description: 'Dis aint no racist shiet. Deez be tha only wurds yu need ta kno fo tha streets'
Category:Pets & Animals, News & Politics
Tags:asian, shit, N word, ebonics, nigga shit
Submitted:Ludo Smell Bad
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Comment count is 20
Hooker - 2010-05-19

Nigger, PLEASE.

takewithfood - 2010-05-19

That shit just flows out like butter.

pineapplejuicer - 2010-05-20

mua'afuckin butter

Boxhead - 2010-05-19

I believe I am getting the gist of what you are saying.

mashedtater - 2010-05-19

its like he is making up his own language....using five words from an existing language.

heyitslozeau - 2010-05-19

nothin's moo shtreet den youtubes.

shit nig

phalsebob - 2010-05-19



No, sorry, this really isn't working in any way. I'll need a new concept for your personality. Please have it on my desk by Friday morning. Thanks.

oddeye - 2010-05-19

Brown rice

nemeses9 - 2010-05-19

Wal*Mart Profit Contributor

Ludo Smell Bad - 2010-05-19

phalsebob... have you seen his other videos?

Harveyjames - 2010-05-19

This is why Pharrell handles the interviews

twinkieafternoon - 2010-05-20

You win.

Riskbreaker - 2010-05-19

nigga she she sheeeet.

APE_GOD - 2010-05-19

I love living in The Future.

Camonk - 2010-05-19

What did you say about my mother, you PIECE OF SHIT?!

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-05-20

This is nothing new if you grew up in Orange County. Which I did. Ghetto Asians flow there like butter.


1394 - 2010-05-20

I do not know what you are saying.

Wait, yes I do, shit.

chumbucket - 2010-05-20

child PLEASE

twinkieafternoon - 2010-05-20

It flowed like butter so fast that Youtube had trouble buffering to keep up with it.

Frank Rizzo - 2010-05-26

"Oh stewardess? I speak jive."

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