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Comment count is 14
Severian - 2010-04-14

Jesus Christ.

Riskbreaker - 2010-04-14

Jesus was a race car driver.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-04-15

Jesus lived life in the fast lane.

Hammer Falls - 2010-04-14

The pained expression at :37... "I'm really going to have to say this line...here goes."

manfred - 2010-04-14

Poe's law strikes again

phalsebob - 2010-04-14

Well ding a long ling my ding a long ling long.


The Mothership - 2010-04-14

Nice to see that God is right up there with Tide.

baleen - 2010-04-14

Well, thanks a lot God. Thanks for not giving me a pit crew. You fucking dick.

Hooper_X - 2010-04-15

I am honestly upset that I didn't get to post this. Son of a bitch.

Ageusiatic - 2010-04-15

I'm ambivalent about this. I mean, on one hand it's a NASCAR bible, and the very stupidity of it is so clear that it's difficult to pin down why it's so dumb and wrong, but on the other hand, I just can't blame them for trying, because on paper it's an obvious sell.

It would be like making a WoW optimized computer that dispenses Mountain Dew and Pocky. Sure, it's pandering to a degree of being downright insulting, but as a business model you just can't be blamed for trying.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-04-15

Pandering to people is what advertising is all about. And advertising is what Jesus is all about. So this all makes perfect sense.

memedumpster - 2010-04-15

I want one.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-04-15

Me too, but there's no way I'm giving them anything beyond a temporary PO box. Do they even have those?

pastorofmuppets - 2010-04-15

Never thought I'd say this but... the Amazon comments.

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