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Comment count is 11
urbanelf - 2010-04-08

I got google ads for a robotic prostatectomy.

augias - 2010-04-08

If you value your sanity, watch only from 2:34 on.

unknown rebel - 2010-04-08

Right. So an industrial robot utterly over engineered for its task serves food to the pop tune most deserving of the title "pretentiously vacant hipster garbage"?


Urburos - 2010-04-08

Watching the second half of videos is hard. :c

augias - 2010-04-08

"That song is so hipster"

Scynne - 2010-04-08


memedumpster - 2010-04-08

Cartoon eyes just makes it more horrifying when it up and cuts your hand off for no reason.

Desidiosus - 2010-04-08

Kind of looks like Marvin the Martian.

Jet Bin Fever - 2010-04-08

I don't think we should be embarrassing robots like this. Just imagine the memories they'll have when they gain sentience someday.

bluiker - 2010-04-09

Kill it, strip its armor, dump it in a pit.

Sputum - 2010-04-09

That is both the slowest waiter, and the worst dancer.
I thought the Japanese were supposed to be good at robots.

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