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Comment count is 17
oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2010-03-19

Hello again, okay, here in this video.

chumbucket - 2010-03-19

he actually believes women watch his vids?

Candlejackv616 - 2010-03-19

I thought the same thing, also does his upper lip actually exist?

OxygenThief - 2010-03-19

Bill had it removed when someone told him that the sole reason the upper lip was evolved was to give women pleasure during cunnilingus.

Eroticus E - 2010-03-19

How are we all going to feel when he starts actually killing people?

Udderdude - 2010-03-19

"I listened to TFL Bill before he went mainstream. That fucking sellout."

socialist_hentai - 2010-03-19

Helloagainhereinthispoetv! I thought women outnumber men everywhere in the world except China.



Aoi - 2010-03-19

There's a tremendous gender gap building in India, too, off the top of my head.

OxygenThief - 2010-03-19

What happened to Wall Dog?

fluffy - 2010-03-19

Wow, uh, turn on the captions.

MaulLove - 2010-03-19

He has an even worse video now that blames a teenager for getting the shit beat out of her by a boy wearing steel toed boots.

He repeatedly insists that "She must have done sumthin to provoke it."

oogaBooga - 2010-03-19

His preloads are always the same. I want to kick his teeth in.

MaulLove - 2010-03-19

Hello again ok here in this video...teeth kicking.

Man Who Fights Like Woman - 2010-03-19

Yeah, it's pretty reasonable that a girl doesn't want to dance with you so you beat her head in. It's a perfectly rational response.

joyofdiscord - 2010-03-19

Moustaches look bad enough even if you -can- grow one, Bill. Maybe that's the cause of your TFL. That and the drunken lunatic thing.

Riskbreaker - 2010-03-19

Bill, what the hell is taking so long for your master plan? Are you trying to get a frigging helicopter for your mass slaughter or what?

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-03-20

That news story is going to inspire an episode of SVU.

So is Bill.

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