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Comment count is 9
Robert DeNegro - 2010-03-06

This was a very hard-fought victory in the trenches of the hopper. This one star should make my position about it crystalline.

notascientist - 2010-03-06

Hit a little too close to home, does it?

Jet Bin Fever - 2010-03-06

It's just annoying, and not in that good way.

Jet Bin Fever - 2010-03-06

Noooooo how did this make it out of the hopper! There's nothing I like about this.
Tempted to give 1 for the beer pong table, but I dont think I will.

Mister Shady - 2010-03-06


splatterbabble - 2010-03-06

I've choked out people for less.

baleen - 2010-03-06


delicatessen - 2010-03-06

Shot by seth rogen larva

grep - 2010-03-07

Showing my weakness off here. He's standing in a low level area fighting low level stuff, screaming while he opens his achievements window up over and over. Staged. Not funny even.

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