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Comment count is 10
Crucifried - 2006-10-05

10XL? Blubber beasts that size don't dress because they never leave the couch.

HURF BLURF DUH - 2006-10-06

The last 40 were all plain color because you don't need graphics on a shirt no one will ever see.

Superfister69 - 2006-10-06

How many emo kids could one fit in a 10XL?

petep - 2006-10-06

if i shot him would they protect

grimcity - 2006-10-06

petep, not if you cap him in the eye.

jim - 2006-10-06

it's more fun if you pretend he's inflating to ride of the valkyries

Afgh - 2006-10-07


blackbetta - 2006-11-12

I had no idea Big Dog shirts got so big.

GoodAaron - 2006-12-23

I will break this record.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-05-09

Erik the Red called:wants his sail back/Mommasofat when she wear a Big Dog shirt, they tittyfuck her

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