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Comment count is 5
eatenmyeyes - 2010-01-09

23:55 poor guy had a nervous breakdown.

phalsebob - 2010-01-09

Sometimes these people are so silly it's comical. Then they quickly remind you of why they are dangerous. There are a few moments in this doc where the two mix in a creepy, surreal way. When they are talking about nuclear war and Armageddon, and that puppet is gravely nodding in agreement... man, that gave me the heebie jeebies.

MongoMcMichael - 2010-01-09

It's hard for a puppet to get saved.

BorrowedSolution - 2010-01-09

God did 9/11!!!!!

MissLadyArtemis - 2012-08-11

I like God. I also love the idea of commanding all diabetics to have new pancreases. It's something I would do - send 'good vibes', command the positive outcome as though it could be made true with a thought - but I wouldn't follow it up by swearing my God will heal you with my words, and now send me some money. Positive thinking can't cure diabetes, but negative thinking can certainly hurt people. Attitude counts. I like God, because my God has a good attitude.
Also, I want to make copies of this and send it to all my church-going family and friends. I think I would enjoy it.

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