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Desc:In response to Michael Bay's ad for Victoria Secret; the only ad that has ever pursuaded me.
Category:Advertisements, Stunts
Tags:Sexy, fire, explosions, Xenergy, Advertisement that works
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Comment count is 8
zatojones - 2009-12-28

Desc: tramp stamped club skank drinks caffeinated sugar water while dancing in front of an explosion

how compelling

Desidiosus - 2009-12-28

I tried one of those energy drinks once, but I was dumb enough to pour it into a glass. The stuff is the exact same color as urine.

But at least they know what their target demographic wants to see.

Glenn or Glennda - 2009-12-28

The official energy drink of the Ultimate Fighting Championship-- so you KNOW it's good for you!

Fun Fact: The official white powder of the Ultimate Fighting Championship is cocaine.

Adham Nu'man - 2009-12-28


poorwill - 2009-12-28

This is dumb.

Toenails - 2009-12-28

I was unfortunate to be persuaded by that commercial also.

And now I'm a 29 year old man that strips in a fireworks factory south of Leijing.

禅氣 - From my old textbooks and help from the internut, I believe that their selling "meditation gas", which I don't believe a caffeinated liquid would be able to pull off.

kwash - 2009-12-28

I don't see what this is doing here.

phalsebob - 2009-12-28


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