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Comment count is 19
Concerned Citizen - 2006-09-22

Industrial compactor was my favorite. Oh, and the one-eyed girl was hot!

Enki Don't - 2006-09-22

Any depiction of a lawnmower accident= instant 5 stars!

Rafiki - 2006-09-22

I had to watch this as a training video once! The best one starts at 2:20.

Jacques Strap - 2006-09-22

-1 for not having a ramp tech being sucked into a jet engine

Xiphias - 2006-09-22

There's some great screams in there.

Meatsack Jones - 2006-09-22

Points for the CHiPs style roll over MVA and contact detonated trunk on the mother/daughter crash.

Vicious - 2007-11-10

Must've been a Pinto (kill me.)

Crucifried - 2006-09-22

I want a job that requires me to stand between two crushers and not use common sense.

Aelric - 2006-09-23

i wonder how many have been killed to remind you to be safe?

halon - 2006-09-23

This should have been set to Benny Hill music

Bone_Vulture - 2006-11-26

Them's retarded accidents! Oh, and the one-eyed girl would look hot even with a wooden leg. Yarrr.

Ersatz - 2006-12-23

At least the pay is good at Klutz & Sons, and the medical plan is comprehensive.

Caminante - 2007-01-12


Hooper_X - 2007-01-15

-1 because the thing with the filing cabinet has happened to me before, and it SUCKED.

stanleypain - 2007-01-23

And I thought my work mishaps were bad. Jesus.

Endoris - 2007-03-25

"Hey Joe-ee!" "YUAAACH!"

blackbetta - 2007-03-25

I almost lost a hand in an industrial accident, yet I laughed like a midget in a Herzog film

Jeriko-1 - 2007-09-24

My favorite is the guy bumping his hand into the grinder. He doesn't let out a yell as much as a growl of anger.

I am convinced he's seconds away from turning into the Hulk and smashing up the shop!

1394 - 2007-10-22


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