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Desc:He will crush you
Category:Arts, Military
Tags:Warhammer, security guard, Dark Elves, Witch Elves give me a boner
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Comment count is 11
Riskbreaker - 2009-09-04

The bloopers at the end kind of spoils the whole thing. Still, well done.

Pookles - 2009-09-04

Not very convincing.

SixDigitDebt - 2009-09-04

This is why I stay on the island. Fuckin' mainlanders.

Hooker - 2009-09-04

You can stay there, too! Enjoy your sidewalk urinals.

OxygenThief - 2009-09-04

I give it less than a day before a meth head takes a dump in that thing.

Aelric - 2009-09-04

That statement makes me think you are a secret Queeb.

Tstyle - 2009-09-04

blows his cover as soon as he says orc-elf army at the beginning.

plus, only total losers are security guards.

tokiyojimbo - 2009-09-04

Dark Elves can take a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch now?

Um... I mean... NERD!

Ghoul - 2009-09-04

He's only using 1 repeater bolt thrower? Also, Where's Malekith? you call yourself elite! I would crush him with my Beasts of Chaos or Vampire Counts army in a heartbeat.

Also, those are some old ass models. At least troll with some 7th edition.

/end nerdrage

theSnake - 2009-09-04

Why does a Dark Elf army have goblins in it. I really want to know actually someone.

oddeye - 2014-03-10

He should have pulled out all the stops and used those craptastic red measuring sticks.

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