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Desc:To honor the Glenn Beck moratorium, I introduce to Mark Levin-- a future poetv staple.
Category:Business, News & Politics
Tags:obama, Mark Levin, conservative talk radio, video at 1:32...wtf?
Submitted:Jack Dalton
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Comment count is 3
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2009-07-20

Several things come to mind during this:

- I didn't realize Barny Frank and Chris Dodd were running the country.

- NOW he thinks we have an idiot for a president?

- Blaming this whole thing on Freddie and Fannie is a lot like blaming about a dump truck full of snow for an entire avalanche.

- Just now he's worried about deficit spending? I suppose if you ignore every time a Republican president increased the deficit light years beyond their democratic counterparts since Nixon, then I guess this year might come as a shocker.

Riskbreaker - 2009-07-20

This sounds like it was recoded from the inside of a fully enforced bunker.

phalsebob - 2009-07-20

Liberals existed during 9/11, the war, the other war, Katrina, the bailouts and the sub prime financial crisis, and are therefore directly responsible for all of them. Needs more party hats though.

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