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Comment count is 20
fluffy - 2009-06-28

Seems about right

Camonk - 2009-06-28

I'm sold.

chairsforcheap - 2009-06-28

i was hoping that i wouldn't ever snort solid food out of my nose, but alas, murphy's law prevailed

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2009-06-28

KFC is not cool enough for this to be a real thing.

Louis Armstrong - 2009-06-28

Fried Chicken without Skin. I HAVE been searching for this.

fluffy - 2009-06-28

KFC Grilled Chicken isn't actually grilled, or fried for that matter. It's actually marinated in MSG-enhanced *beef solids* and then oven-baked.

LeMoyne IV - 2009-06-29

You know what? MSG is DELICIOUS.

Louis Armstrong - 2009-06-29

Deliscious?? I want to wear this you morons.

MaulLove - 2009-06-28

This proves that you can insert anything into the final frame of these vague commercials.

Fuck you Scientology.

kamlem - 2009-06-28

what a twist

Jet Bin Fever - 2009-06-28

This commercial is like coating a turd in sprinkles and calling it ice cream.

Jet Bin Fever - 2009-06-29

I refer of course to the original, not the punchline.

RocketBlender - 2009-06-29

I'm really glad I don't read comments until after the video. That was great.

Cleaner82 - 2009-06-29

So... when you said you were 'hungry for change'...

pastorofmuppets - 2009-06-29

Townes Van Zandt said "we've all go holes to fill" which is the most concise way I've heard it said.

I'm 'bout to fill mine with some coleslaw...

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-06-29

I knew it. I knew there was more to life.

Screwtape - 2009-06-29

Now Thetan-free!

Doctor Arcane - 2009-06-29

-1 because I thought it was going to be about thetans and oral sex.

memedumpster - 2009-06-29

Not bad, but KFC is arguably more disgusting than Scientology. I was hoping for heroin, or hookers, or dildos, or all three.

bac - 2010-09-06


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