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Comment count is 19
Kumquatxop - 2009-06-23


Caminante Nocturno - 2009-06-23

You know, if you do this enough, it counts as exercise.

StanleyPain - 2009-06-23


Just sayin'

The Faghorn - 2009-06-23

Tags updated to prevent this tragedy from ever occurring again.

Though at least the other one is dead, apparently.

StanleyPain - 2009-06-23

It's not dead, YouTube is just shitting itself today for some weird reason. Some of these work, some of them don't.


Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2009-06-23

I like this version more. It was better shorn of context.

SharoKham - 2009-06-23

Nice tags, me! Completely forgot how to spell bizarre, did I?

SharoKham - 2009-06-23


Jet Bin Fever - 2009-06-23

Dragon Ball Z LARPing is really popular. Too bad the other team didn't power up enough beforehand.

Comeuppance - 2009-06-23

It's Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.


...I'm ashamed that I know this.

B_Ko - 2013-01-31

Why would you be ashamed? JoJo's fucking rules.

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2009-06-23


what the fuck just happened?

Cleaner82 - 2009-06-23

If they had all run forward it would have been a fight.

BornAgainCannibal - 2009-06-23

Time was frozen for 8 seconds. It is best to not think about it.

kennydra - 2009-06-23

weirdest wall of death ever.

SharoKham - 2009-06-23

Why does this say ora? Dio yells muda.

Heem - 2009-06-24

Half of them are Dio and the other half are Jotaro, who goes ora.

Shut up, Jojo is awesome.

Lauritz Melchior - 2009-06-24



RockBolt - 2009-06-24

Is this the Tokyo stock exchange?

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