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Comment count is 14
phalsebob - 2009-06-16

I know what these parents need: A coat hanger and a tardis.

Spike Jonez - 2009-06-16

+5 for you. I love you.

voodoo_pork - 2009-06-16

Right wing Daleks would stop them.

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-06-16

Why use it just for kids?

Late home - 1 swat
Burned roast - 18 swats
You're drunk - many many swats
Just because - open handed strike
No money for meth - ER

mashedtater - 2009-06-19


twinkieafternoon - 2009-06-16

5 swats for taking drugs.

That'll show little Timmy a thing or two about experimenting with the Dope.

Freeman Gordon - 2009-06-16

Now that's just good content right here.

gorch - 2009-06-16

Somebody needs to hit this guy with his own paddle.

Advocating corporal punishment - 5 swats
Giving out paddles to people who want to hit their kids - 10 swats
Signing each paddle, "Love Joey" - 20 swats

revdrew - 2009-06-16

Pedo BDSM by proxy.

kennydra - 2009-06-16

He should be put out of business! Umm...he's giving them away.....

Nikon - 2009-06-16

I really can't approve of this.

sliggy - 2009-06-16

Oh, Andrew, they always send you to talk to the crazy mountain folk. At least this one went to college!

HankFinch - 2009-06-17

That's a paddelin'

Harold Manchester - 2010-04-14



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