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Comment count is 13
Caminante - 2006-08-24

Occultists refer to the internet as THE PORTAL OF TRANSCENDENCE!!! OOH!!!

Zinnus - 2006-08-24

At the end theres a guy in wearing a badger on his head.

Spider Jerusalem - 2006-08-24

The insidious growth of witchcraft is exemplified best by this guy's GeoCities site.

Aelric - 2006-08-24

when did witches start dressing like the statue of liberty? fucking lying christians

Meatsack Jones - 2006-08-24

"1,000s of teenagers turning their backs on christianity". He's says it like a bad thing.

helicopter cats - 2006-08-25

Awesome. Reminds me of WVCY channel 30 back home in Milwaukee WI

Gaianna - 2006-08-28

paranoid guy isn't he. If you take the storys of the bible out of context they sound even worse.

Yakoo:MarkTwo - 2006-09-21

...pagans...communicate with supernatural spirits...in order to receive wisdom and power -you don't?

Blueslipstream - 2006-09-22

...why is one of them dressed like the statue of liberty?

bugzapperjesus - 2006-10-22


professor_ogenki - 2006-10-24

this is the best commercial for Wicca I've ever seen

carpenter - 2006-11-10

Is it illegal to bang the statue of liberty yet?

lordpotato - 2008-11-09

"Do what you want as long as it harms no one"?

Oh snap, that is truly the work of satan.

Kill them with fire!

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