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Desc:best moments of Chris Klein in the Street Fighter movie, ignore the unfunny captions
Category:Classic Movies, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:Chun Li, ACTING!, Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li, Chris Klein, Nash out
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Comment count is 10
Dinkin Flicka - 2009-03-10

I never thought of Street Fighter as an allegory for handjobs before...

CornOnTheCabre - 2009-03-10


Hooper_X - 2009-03-10

Ha ha, a woman who knows what she wants from a man and is sexually forthright is an AIDS-riddled cumwhore. Oh, internet users.

(I am guessing that having it open the same weekend as Watchmen was a sort of box-office mercy-killing.)

mr666 - 2009-03-10

I'd say so. It's freshness count is at 4% on Rotten Tomatoes.
http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/street_fighter_the_legend_of_c hun_li/

mr666 - 2009-03-10

Damn. This was supposed to be a reply to Zatojones. Oh well.

Jefka - 2009-03-10

Why does he always have to be holding his head at some weird angle?

zatojones - 2009-03-10

I think this is going to be considered the worst movie of recent memory... until the Dragonball Z movie comes out.

fatatty - 2009-03-10

It's like they knew exactly what fans of the game would want in a movie. Luckily they learned from all the mistakes of the first attempt.

DMKA - 2009-03-10

My boyfriend paid for me to see this, and I'm the one who asked to.

I felt like shit afterward.

eatenmyeyes - 2009-03-10


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