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Desc:Clip from the PA Game Commission about a fungal infecton that kills thousands of bats.
Category:Nature & Places, Pets & Animals
Tags:fungus, bats, BAT WEEK, White-nose syndrome, Pennslyvania
Submitted:Hugo Gorilla
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Comment count is 7
Sputum - 2009-02-25


Smellvin - 2009-02-25

They need to fly in Doctor Kevin Soh equipped with some tiny instruments.

Menudo con queso - 2009-02-25

I would proudly serve a tour of duty with the Doctor Kevin Soh Global Strike Force, if they'd have me.

TeflonDoc - 2009-02-25

helluva drug

Lauritz Melchior - 2009-02-25


Needs a "cocaine" tag.

lordpotato - 2009-02-25

What's going on with the bats that changes their behavior and causes them to fly out into the winter and die?


The mammal transition has begun.

dead_cat - 2009-02-26

It's thought that something about WNS effects their hibernation, causing them to burn through their fat stores too fast. At the point where they start risking the winter cold, it's gotten to the point where it's either that or starving to death. White Nose Syndrome is poorly understood, and it's not known if the fungus is causing the problem, or is simply taking advantage of the sick bats' weakened immune system.

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