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Comment count is 10
Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2009-02-20


Xenocide - 2009-02-20

Batman should have been in the Rat Pack.

Camonk - 2009-02-20

The WINGED-Rat Pack. Am I right?


chumbucket - 2009-02-20

I can dig it

Hooper_X - 2009-02-20

They're lucky it wasn't Sinatra. He'd have punched Robin off the side of the fucking building and thrown a drink in Batman's face.

Desidiosus - 2009-02-20

Or Dean Martin. He'd have just puked on them.

boba. - 2009-02-20

I think I said this before but any sammy clip needs a "Satanist" tag

Crucifried - 2009-02-20

Ever notice how Robin looks like he's actually climbing a rope, while Batman sometimes barely has a taunt grasp of the rope?

I'm beginning to think they aren't actually climbing a building, guys.

Suedeo - 2009-02-20

I love that this is how they introduce cameo celebrities. Plus, Sammy Davis Jr.!

wtf japan - 2009-02-26

Sammy Davis Jr. is my second favorite Jew, after Charleton Heston.

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