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Desc:The home video trailer basically spells out why you should see this movie.
Category:Classic Movies, Stunts
Tags:Anita Mui, Michelle Yeoh, Maggie Chung, Someones kidnapping the babies!, The Madonna of Asia
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Comment count is 8
kingarthur - 2009-01-21

The Tai Seng dubbed version of this is the best thing ever. They got all three actresses to do their own voices and they play it as a action-comedy (which it is). There's another version out there that came out in the late 90s and it tries to translate the script directly and is just not as well done. Also, if you change the spelling of Maggie Cheung in the tags, it should link with her other movies and such that are on this site.

kingarthur - 2009-01-21

Also, TNT used to show the Tai Seng dub a lot at night, back when Maggie Cheung was a Bond girl.

Busby Berkeley - 2009-01-21

Michelle Yeoh was the Bond girl. Maggie Cheung made stupid French art movies. Anita Mui died too young.

I miss when basic cable would show interesting things.

kingarthur - 2009-01-21

You're right, it was Michelle Yeoh. Maggie married Olivier Assayas and made Irma Vep.

Aelric - 2009-01-22

Maggie Cheung Also happened to be in some fantastic Wang Kar Wai directed movies.

dead_cat - 2009-01-22

The sequel to it was pretty good too. And by good I mean it was a great movie that often seemed to have been dubbed hilariously on purpose.

kingarthur - 2009-01-22

The sequel was dark, man. Epic movie though.

The Mothership - 2022-07-22


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