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Desc:Apparently, she's upset because no one is calling.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:Romania, Adela Lupse, call in show, screaming presenter
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Comment count is 25
Hooker - 2009-01-15


freedoom - 2009-01-15

extreme dupe, the original is on the main page right below this one.

Hooker - 2009-01-15

Before people start dogpiling him, submissions seem to show up in heats, so my copy probably wasn't on the front page when he submitted this.

Oktay - 2009-01-16

It didn't show in any of the searches but then again I searched for "Romanian" :D

Severian - 2009-01-15

I don't know which one was submitted first, but this one got the country right.

whensaidthemoon - 2009-01-15

To say nothing of higher sound quality, so that we can hear this strange combination of telenovela shrieking and bossfight music in all its glory.

The fifth star is for the superdupe.

fermun - 2009-01-15

This is 51334 the other is 51353. Assuming Chet understands what numbers mean, I'd bet this one was submitted first as well. Good work on the superdupe, Oktay.

oddeye - 2009-01-16

I don't know but you might be assuming too much if you think Chet can count.

Oktay - 2009-01-16

I put this in the hopper about 8-10 hrs ago. It was the only one in there. Don't blame me, blame hooker for not checking the hopper. :D

Hooker - 2009-01-16

I did check the Hopper. This was, I guess, already approved :(

Oktay - 2009-01-16

I apologize for assuming you didn't... I can see only one way to avoid this sort of thing in the future: I should be given front page priviledges! Heh heh heh....

Tuan Jim - 2009-01-15

This woman has a special something about her that just makes people like her.

spikestoyiu - 2009-01-15

You mean her tits?

EVILdogshu - 2009-01-15

Of course no one's calling, the phone's off the hook.

Charles - 2010-01-07

Plus who's going to call her when there's a danger that she'll deafen them by smashing the phone against itself. Not to mention make their dogs go nuts.

Desidiosus - 2009-01-15

Not bad, but I've seen better freakouts.

RomancingTrain - 2009-01-15

I'd like to buy a "T."

allcaps - 2009-01-16



StanleyPain - 2009-01-16

I like how the music is the burly brawl from Matrix Reloaded.

La Loco - 2009-01-16

Great cans!!

socialist_hentai - 2009-01-16

how come no one noticed the stalin mtv logo??!!?

and dare i repeat myself: the prize is a stove worth 1500 RON, not 1500 RON cash! God i hate my country....

Screwtape - 2009-01-16

I wouldn't know what to do with that many men anyway.

Michael Houser - 2009-01-16

Chet really needs to fix this dupe problem ... right after he fixes Left 4 Dead!!! HA HA HA!!!
(Just kidding, I love Left 4 Dead. The forum is like a giant scab I can pick all day!)
(No really the patch is great. Please give Mike Patton my regards.)

chumbucket - 2009-01-16

they killed Jimmy...it was revenge for Billy Batts

BornAgainCannibal - 2009-01-19

I spent a month in France recently and between these crazy call in shows that assure oodles of money and that creepy german guy with the wacky guests and transmitting energy through my TV, I'm very thankful to live in America.

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