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Comment count is 16
CharlesSmith - 2009-01-04

Way to squnader an awesome trolling opportunity unoriginal anti-christian caller.

"Fag fag fag fag fag. Hahaha. Hey Jeffy did you hear the part where I said fag? That ruled."

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2009-01-04

In his defense he's probably stoned.

boba. - 2009-01-04

whatever, this call is the essence of public access calls

baleen - 2009-01-04

giggle giggle giggle

sliggy - 2009-01-04

Five stars for "Rickety Cricket", and the obvious glee of the caller.

phalsebob - 2009-01-04

With the assistance of an adolescent douchebag, Science has it's revenge.

Udderdude - 2009-01-04

Clearly it was the evil technology designed by godless athiests that allowed this atrocity against Jesus to happen.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-01-04

They tried to hire someone who can work the phones, but none of the applicants were Christian enough.

MasturbationDestination - 2009-01-04


DMKA - 2009-01-04

Five stars for hilarity but minus one for wasting what could have been an epic trolling opportunity.

hornung - 2009-01-04

i knew what you were going to say before you said it.


Camonk - 2009-01-04

Are you gonna go JOGGING tonight?

What kind of thing is that? Is that a taunt? An insult? An honest question?

sliggy - 2009-01-05

A garbled attempt at a threat?

MovieCritic - 2009-08-17

A criticism of his strange clothing choice.

chumbucket - 2009-01-05

"Ok let's get a read out here"...I"m guessing this one was an inside job

ihounokyaku - 2009-01-06

"In through the out door"

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