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Comment count is 31
quining - 2008-12-29

SPOLIER ALERT: The man in drag at the end was stoned to death as an abomination unto the LORD

zatojones - 2008-12-29

What the hell is happening here?!

Kingofthehobos - 2008-12-29

God imagine being married to a woman who wears a Jean Doublet

Fecund - 2008-12-29


Hooker - 2008-12-29


Screwtape - 2008-12-29


Quad9Damage - 2008-12-29

That sounds like the most boring night out ever.

Lindner - 2008-12-29

... why does she point to the cows for emphasis that it's the Girl's "Nite" Out?

pastorofmuppets - 2008-12-29

I think she's trying to say that the girls are basically cows. Because later the cows sing, too. Also she says "we got the clout" while motioning toward the cows.

Makes sense, really. What separates us from animals? Reason. What separates us from reason? Denim vests.

Camonk - 2008-12-29

Don't fool yourself. Cows know how to party: they cluster together for safety, they chew their cuds. Badass.

glasseye - 2008-12-29

The denim vests are merely a symptom; it's religion that separates man from reason.

chumbucket - 2008-12-29

best lip syncing since Mill Vill

TeenerTot - 2008-12-29

I'm confused. And I like it.

baleen - 2008-12-29

The vomit quarter of my country has never made me happier to be who I am.

dueserpenti - 2008-12-29

There are places in America where this is reality as far as the eye can see. And the eye can see a long way, because the land is flat.

grimcity - 2008-12-29

They clearly went out, but I'm unclear as to where they actually went? Megachurching it on a week day? EPIC

charmlessman - 2008-12-29

I don't think there's an American segment of the population that I relate to less.

Lurchi - 2008-12-29

dictatorship of the proletariat

Hooper_X - 2008-12-29

Fun fact - the reason it's NO MEN ALLOWED is because everyone knows that for a woman to preach the Word unto men is an abomination before the Lord.

Oh, to be a man in that arena - knee-length denim skirts and crocheted vests as far as the eye can see.

zatojones - 2008-12-29

It's like a Mom Jeans aficionado convention

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-12-29

Oh, boy! Cows!

YakooMarkTwo - 2008-12-29

If the scandals of the prominent male evangelical sect leaders are any indication of the dark depths of debauchery going on in these communities, I'm pretty sure I'd be sneaking into the women's group meetings too.

Also, air fiddle.

Stopheles - 2008-12-29

I came here for the air fiddle, and I didn't leave disappointed.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-12-29

This video caused me to make a face like a whiff of something two weeks dead. Uck.

mantang0 - 2008-12-29

What kind of name is Chonda? Here's more by "Chonda":


Magical Man from Happy-Land - 2008-12-29

This is why I am not christian

Killer Joe - 2008-12-30

You left the men at the Salon with only half their child molester-do! Then you leave the children with the idiots and a BOY was playing with a DOLL!
Back to the hearth to you, Jezebels.

citrusmirakel - 2009-01-02

"No cook. No clean.
No dishes. No washing machine."

Uhm... Woman, I don't know if you've forgotten, but you're a fucking Promise Keeper. I'm pretty sure that according to your cult's bylaws, statements like "No cook, no clean" means your children are morally compelled to stone you to death.

citrusmirakel - 2009-01-02

Oh, also: Welcome back, "Everything Is Terrible" tag. I've missed you.

Pie Boy - 2009-01-08

so the clout is kind of like the clap? i don't understand

dreamvigile - 2009-11-08

Someone should warn these girls they're contributing to the rise of male homosexuality

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