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Desc:'FACT: ALL RECORDING ARTISTS FAKED THIS PIECE BY LISZT before Kastle's Virgin Record's release.'
Category:Stunts, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:piano, douchebag, Liszt, Richard Kastle, myelin
Submitted:Lauritz Melchior
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Comment count is 43
socialist_hentai - 2008-12-25

This is the definition of "douchebag". Someone should troll him.

mountain dew insimination - 2008-12-25


boba. - 2008-12-25

insimination, i hope you're the guy who wrote the comment calling him a 'deushbag'

this is awesome:


simon666 - 2008-12-25

Yeah can we get some proper trolling of this guy?

mountain dew insimination - 2008-12-25

Yeaaaahhh that was me. Obviously spelling is not my strong suit...

Lauritz Melchior - 2008-12-25

Well, your name *is* insimination.

mountain dew insimination - 2008-12-25

That....was....the reference.

boba. - 2008-12-25

I don't think you understand what trolling means either

boba. - 2008-12-25

although it looks like they deleted your comment so someone has the chance to try again at least

mountain dew insimination - 2008-12-25

Ok someone enlighten so I can refine my post or at least know for the future, please.

Lauritz Melchior - 2008-12-25

"That....was....the reference."

I guess that it would be fair to say that communication isn't one of my stronger suits.

Reference/joke appreciated in retrospect, even if not in the moment.

mountain dew insimination - 2008-12-25

Hey, it's cool...I don't think social communication is the strong suit of MANY poeTV participants. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

mountain dew insimination - 2008-12-25

(including myself)

charmlessman - 2008-12-26

5 for "deushbag"

Lauritz Melchior - 2008-12-26

Some guy going by the youtube screen-name "RichardKastleMusic" did a really good job of trolling him. Apparently his account has been deactivated, though.

I found his comment on some Kastle performance of Chopin's 'Heroic' Polonaise to be hilarious.

"To me, this is Sibelius and Weber filtered through Chopin's post-conscious conception. Conceiving of this performance, you need to think in 5 different ways: contrapuntally, harmonically, rhythmically, phrase intonation, and Jungian. This is a composition on my part, merely using the scribblings of Chopin as a starting point. I meld these things together using a technique of elastic elbow rebound in the octaves, and a vocalise phrasing. Is it Finnish, German, Polish, or what? It is all."

bang to buck ratio - 2008-12-27

Five stars for RichardKastleMusic. Bless him.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-12-28

5 stars for this thread.

Cleaner82 - 2008-12-25

Huh huh, huh huh huh. Huh huh.


Severian - 2008-12-25

Oh fucking retarded bullshit. The F# major prestissimo section that ends #2 is not that difficult, and was much easier (for me) than many other parts, which I never mastered (especially some of the cadenzas).

Playing it requires a bit of a different mindset but nothing extraordinary; the hands play the same chords (occasionally a note dropped in one hand), offset by 1/16 in time and an octave.


I like the 2nd one because it has some variations (by Liszt) that I would like to try if I ever start playing piano again. If I had a real piano rather than this Yamaha S80, I'd print it out now and try to start playing again.

pastorofmuppets - 2008-12-26

I'm getting the feeling that if a pianist uses different fingering then he does, it's cheating, and if a conductor and their orchestra perform a piece in a way that this guy doesn't like, he calls it a scam.

In my experience there is quite a disconnect between
(a) what looks difficult on the page
(b) what looks difficult on other people's hands
(c) what sounds difficult

and what is actually difficult. If you are the type of person that goes for the tricky parts first because they're more fun then you could have an easier time with them than the parts that bore you.

But I am no expert...the best piece I could do when I was practicing every day was Liebesträume (No. 3). One of these days I will get back into the game.

wtf japan - 2008-12-25

This man is a huge pianist.

People from around the internet should upload themselves playing this piece, so that he may be properly shamed for his retardery.

Gwago - 2008-12-25

Speaking of faking, nice mohawk, douchefag.

StanleyPain - 2008-12-25

Um, wow...I think someone should get in touch with Vladimir Horowitz' family. I mean, this guy is essentially slandering one of the greatest, most respected pianists in the world on a VERY public forum. That takes not so much balls as it does a huge quotient of douchebaggery such as the universe should not have to contain.

Mayberry Pancakes - 2008-12-25

I am not sure if I can say "fuck you" loudly and angrily enough, so I will just let Murray Perahia do it.

jangbones - 2008-12-30

this comment is fucking beautiful

Enjoy - 2008-12-25

This guy deletes his Youtube comments pretty quick. All I wrote was "congradulations on reaching 21 Youtube subscribers."

roughnready66 - 2008-12-25

sounds like there is a mistake at :10

gambol - 2009-01-16

It sounds like you're right.

HarrietTubmanPI - 2008-12-25

I think this is one of those guys who is very gay but cannot admit that he is gay. I mean look at that outfit. No straight man could come up with that.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-12-26

And he's being interviewed by his "assistant".

Dick assistant!

Adham Nu'man - 2008-12-26

The Iggy Pop of crotch licking.

The Townleybomb - 2008-12-26

So awesome. A little further digging on youtube will uncover tons more insanity, including an obsessive, profane, racist supporter who is either a sockpuppet or another cranky, obscure pianist. Having worked in a classical music store through most of college, I can confidently assure you that this kind of stuff is not unusual at all among classical performers and fans.

Dinkin Flicka - 2008-12-26

Not only that, isn't this basically a wordy version of like every other rap song since like 1989?

They're all faking it, but I'm the real deal
They'll give you a snack, I'll fix you a meal

pastorofmuppets - 2008-12-26

I want to be mad at what he said, but the real "say wha" for me is at the beginning. Ever seen someone play serious piano? Most of these men and women are too classy to go out dressed in anything less than a tuxedo or evening gown.

But here we have Douchey McShades playing the Goofus to their Gallant. He does not understand how mind-blowingly trashy it is for someone to follow a piece of music with a THUMBS UP. Fair enough. But then he PUTS ON SUNGLASSES ON STAGE.

I realize that it's wrong to kill people over such things, but it would be nice if someone could at least make it so that he can't produce offspring.

phalsebob - 2008-12-26

He's a little old to be in a boy band.

chumbucket - 2008-12-26

huh? I five starred this on expert ages ago, deushe!

Lauritz Melchior - 2008-12-26

He's deleted some five or so comments over the night but didn't seem to realize this post's sarcasm:

"can i hear kastle playing Ligeti's Devil's Staircase? i think he's the best pianist to ever be born, and has a technique better than horowitz and cziffra.

pretty please? "

So he kept that.

Lauritz Melchior - 2008-12-26

My contribution to his comments section:

"yeah. hes such a mirakle of nature. he says that he has more myelin in his brain and i belive him. how else could he play the hardeest technique so fast?"

I wonder if he'll keep it.

Lauritz Melchior - 2008-12-27

Yup. Mine got kept and something after it got deleted.

Lauritz Melchior - 2008-12-28

By "got kept," I of course mean "was kept"

Johnny Madhouse - 2008-12-27

From a comment that he left on his own video:


fluffy - 2009-01-19

man fuck this guy

kingofthenothing - 2009-06-02


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