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Comment count is 8
baleen - 2008-11-22

He claims that he intended it to be bad...

See also:

theSnake - 2008-11-22

then I do vampire movie

citrusmirakel - 2008-11-22

Six million dollars. Somebody gave this cock six million dollars.

baleen - 2008-11-22

That hurts me pretty much. I'm wondering if maybe he had it to begin with. His wiki entry is basically "nobody knows where he came from and nobody knows anything about him," so I'm thinking his mom was Dutch baroness or something weird.

lucienpsinger - 2008-11-22

Imaging you've poured your heart and soul (and, incidentally, six million dollars) into making a serious drama that speaks to people and truly says something universal about our human experience here on this planet. You've even taken out a full-page ad in Variety to offer up your movie for Academy Award consideration, and you've rented out a billboard in LA with your frightening face on it just for added emphasis. Now imagine that all the early screenings feature people walking out early in what appears to be disgust or just laughing their fool heads off through the entire runtime. Then just imagine you're soulless and broken and pathetic enough to pretend that you intended it as a comedy all along, and isn't your movie hilariously funny ha ha ha?

Welcome to the world of Tommy Wiseau.

athodyd - 2008-11-22


garcet71283 - 2008-11-23

It's nice to see that Uwe Boll decided to get a hair transplant.

dueserpenti - 2008-11-23

I need to see this movie.

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