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Desc:Penguin boards observer raft and stares them down like 'WTF dicks! You could have helped!'
Category:Pets & Animals, Nature & Places
Tags:penguin, Orca, Killer Whale, OM NOM NO!!!, Dick Raft
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Comment count is 32
NoCode - 2008-11-20


"They know he's in the boat!"

The whales are all, "Come on, guys! Throw him back!"

mouser - 2008-11-20

I'd have been scared shit being on the boat because Orcas dont really care much for human present. They could very well jump above the ship and crash down on everyone in hope to get the penguintizer and THEN chomp te rest of the crew for an encore.

Camonk - 2008-11-20

The whales are like don't you assholes have like some prime directive or something! It's the course of nature! We're fuckin' hungry over here!

MK_Ultra - 2008-11-20

I'd have been scared shit being on the boat because Orcas dont really care much for human present. They could very well jump above the ship and crash down on everyone in hope to get the penguintizer and THEN chomp te rest of the crew for an encore.

Crucifried - 2008-11-20

"I'm at base! You can't get me when I'm touching base!"

baleen - 2008-11-20

it's awesome but why did they have to lay in that shitty music.

Mike Tyson?! - 2008-11-20

Someone thought that was a GREAT song. That's what most bothers me.

zatojones - 2008-11-20

Because Europe. That's why.

Xiphias - 2008-11-20

it's fatboy slim!

baleen - 2008-11-20


halon - 2008-11-20

EXCUTHE ME, but it's actually by Prodigy. The song is called "Fire", and is from the album "The Prodigy Experience".

Stop looking at me like that.

fluffy - 2008-11-20

Danny DeVito has lost a lot of weight.

SolRo - 2008-11-20

those people are better than me.

I would have pushed the little snack overboard when he was balanced on the edge and not looking.

Noober - 2008-11-20

I love how the universal penguin response to humans is "Huh. Oh, hey guys"

Syd Midnight - 2008-11-20

I wonder why they're so chill to us compared to other wild animals. I bet some little part of their brain figures we're just huge, and us 2 legs stick together, respeck.

FABIO - 2009-11-02

2 legs better

jangbones - 2008-11-20




Camonk - 2008-11-20

Man good thing there weren't any Italians on that boat. Penguins are totally racist at Italians.

sammitch - 2008-12-30

Pokey Reference

mouser - 2008-11-20

Anyone else noticed he frickin flip flops ?!?! In the middle of the arctic. Damnit. That merits itself a tag.

mouser - 2008-11-20

T^ the flip flops.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-11-20

Mr. Penguin, would you like to come home and live in my bathtub? It would be safe and ever so fun.

Nikon - 2008-12-08

Pen Pen?

Big Muddy - 2008-12-13


TeenerTot - 2008-11-20

So I guess there's no "law of the tongue" that applies to penguins.

HankFinch - 2008-11-21

I imagine "law of the tongue" as one of those cards that you see at different angles - you see a tongue dressed as a cowboy at one angle, and then you turn it to the left and HE DRAWS HIS GUNS!

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-11-20

Penguin is just all, "Well, the water is out of the question, but what the fuck is this thing and who the fuck are these guys?"

Orcas are totally like, "Dude, he got away, but what the fuck is this thing and who the fuck are these guys?"

This is actually pretty cool, like The Battle of Kruger or whatever that film was. Except for the Prodigy.

Keefu - 2008-11-20

Humans are biased towards adorable animals, unfortunately for the whales.

TheDevil'sWhore - 2008-12-06

I am not sure that counts as 300m away.

Enjoy - 2009-01-17

I'd just like to point out, many months later, that the Dick Raft tag hasn't been linked yet.

Cursed Egyptian Sex Toy - 2009-05-17

-1 star for the music. wtf?

Mister Yuck - 2018-06-13

I woulda terror-tossed that little meat football as far as I could and paddled my ass off in the opposite direction.

"Sorry orcas, I don't even know that guy! We cool, right?"

Actually, I woulda never been out in the ocean with anything smaller than a battleship between me and those murder-porpoises.

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