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Desc:More from the customizable 2d fighting engine.
Category:Video Games
Tags:Mugen, Superman, robocop
Submitted:bakune young
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Comment count is 11
oddeye - 2006-06-30

A 4 foot tall Robocop fights against a Magneto animation ripoff?

baleen - 2006-06-30

it would be cool if superman could turn back time to the point where robocop was just a normal guy.

xenocide - 2006-06-30

What the hell is up with Superman's voice?

jrr - 2006-06-30

Isn't Superman kind of... bulletproof? Fails so hard, not to mention the godawful background music.

Stog - 2006-06-30


Caminante - 2006-07-09

This is retarded.

afp3683 - 2006-07-09

4 stars because MUGEN is fun as hell, but I'm taking 2 away because this is a retarded way to use it

SharoKham - 2006-10-14

One 10 second round would have been enough, really. Too much, in fact.

FABIO2 - 2007-01-01

-4 for music, +1 for Robo showing up in an exploding car like so much David Caruso.

blackbetta - 2007-01-14

As much fun as watching someone else playing a videogame can be.

Nikon - 2012-04-09

This is 100% Full Retarded,

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