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Desc:You know what would add spice to this otherwise dull sport? Jet-powered boots.
Category:Sports, Stunts
Tags:parachute, base jumping, wing suit, jet boots, seriously this guys has jet engines on his boots
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Comment count is 5
Flux - 2008-10-02


longwinded - 2008-10-02

die fliedermaus

robotkarateman - 2008-10-02

2005 is apparently "now" in TB's world.

Also his balls are huge.

KnowFuture - 2008-10-02

This kicks more ass than a foot which is designed solely for the purpose of kicking asses and which is also located in a room full of nothing but asses.

Camonk - 2008-10-03

This guy just strapped bladders of rocket fuel to his nuts. But since his balls are so huge and dense that they're basically purely conceptual at this point, I wasn't really worried about them.

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