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Desc:Arizona 7th district representative has some interesting theories on how gays will destroy America.
Category:News & Politics, Crime
Tags:republicans, christians, congress, Arizona, joe sweeney
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Comment count is 8
Caminante Nocturno - 2008-10-02

What was with the audio assault at the end?

KnowFuture - 2008-10-02

It always amuses me when they use a book that's chockful o' buggery to try to bash gay people.

Xenocide - 2008-10-02


chumbucket - 2008-10-02

this guy got voted into his job right? right? .......wow

TeenerTot - 2008-10-02


the_professor - 2008-10-02

One night in high school we were driving around after a party. We stopped at a Whataburger that's no longer there on Campbell Avenue and who should be there sitting in a booth at 2 AM but Joe Sweeney. He was just reading a book and eating fries, looking annoyed at the drunken teens who had ambled in, but the best part of it all was the INSANE guy eating food with him. Sweeney's buddy was massively overweight and beet red. Compared to Sweeney he was surprisingly social and wanted to tell us all about the life story of Andre the Giant. He also kept pounding his fist on his forehead and saying "BOING!".

And by the way, Sweeney has never been elected in his district. In fact, he's basically a local joke. But he still runs every single election and always loses to the Democratic Hispanic guy with the mustache.

Chancho - 2008-10-02

Just thinking about it makes him sweaty.

glasseye - 2008-10-02


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