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Desc:Highlights from the 200 lighttube deathmatch between Necro Butcher and Madman Pondo
Category:Horror, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:Gore, necro butcher, Cant stop Pondo, Bloodshed, So much for natural selection
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Comment count is 7
CornOnTheCabre - 2008-09-20

im usually jaded by stuff like this, but this one actually made me gag. im not really sure why that gets a five...

Pillager - 2008-09-20

I always wonder what kind of childhood these men suffered through.

Goethe and ernie - 2008-09-20

Necro Butcher is fucking awesome. I got obsessed with him a few years ago, when all my friends went away for the summer and I was working in a quarry. Getting home, opening a beer, and getting some of that good old Necro Butcher action going on, he's like a hero to me. Someone up that Necro Butcher vs Samoa Joe match.

Archon - 2008-09-20

And here, I thought that regular professional wrestling had reached the apex of stupidity.

zatojones - 2008-09-20

hurray for scratched corneas!

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-09-20

Aw man, I gagged a little too.

UnderANeonHalo - 2008-09-21

From wikipedia
"If a fluorescent lamp is broken, mercury can contaminate the surrounding environment. A 1987 report described a 23-month-old toddler hospitalized due to mercury poisoning traced to a carton of 8-foot fluorescent lamps that had broken. The glass was cleaned up and discarded, but the child often used the area for play."

Here's hoping! *fingers crossed*

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