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Desc:She was paid to use magic to help heal a woman, who worsened. So, the only logical thing was to...
Category:News & Politics, Crime
Tags:india, Violence, witch, insert overused Monty Python line
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Comment count is 8
RedHood - 2008-08-12

I wonder if just asking for the ill woman's money back would have sufficed? At least they only burned her hair, the known source of her witch powers.

baleen - 2008-08-12

I just read that there are 54 million cases of goiter in India, which is caused by iodine deficiency.

Another thing that is caused by iodine deficiency is cretinism, which basically means you have the mind and body of a retarded peasant from the 14th century.

Billy Buttsex - 2008-08-12


Can I hug you for this, or what?

glasseye - 2008-08-12

Cretinism, also known as "republicanism."

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2008-08-12

Smack my bitch up.

RoyCastle - 2008-08-12

It is common for a society that does not understand modern medical science to superstitiously combat illness with a scapegoat to appease whatever God deals with health and longevity. In this case, the scapegoat is merely the healer who has angered the gods with "malpractice" rituals and chants.

Does the UN comb through the guinea tribes of Africa searching for this kind of behavior to punish? No, the wrongdoing in this case is on the part of the federated Indian government and its failure to disseminate medical education to these provinces.

Merkwuerdigeliebe - 2008-08-12

one can only hope that the "magic" she used were modern prescription drugs

grep - 2010-08-10

When I lived in the Detroit area, I worked at with an Indian guy. He would always brag on and on about how great India was. He would tell me how beautiful it was, and how beautiful the women were. He carried himself with an heir of superiority that was sickening.

All I see are videos like this, the guy getting electrocuted on the train, and pictures of 40 people riding in a pickup truck. He seemed foolish to me.

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