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Desc:Among Republicans, this counts as winning a debate or punching someone in the face (same thing).
Category:News & Politics, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:karl rove, NPR, laura ingraham, robert siegel, republican holocaust of november 2006
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Comment count is 12
Lurchi - 2008-07-30

I've got a number for Laura Ingraham. It's more than 68 but less than 70.

Desidiosus - 2008-07-30

My number for her is more than 665 and less than 667. Annoying bitch.

Adham Nu'man - 2008-07-30

Polls Schmolls

chumbucket - 2008-07-30

I look at 68+ polls per week and they all have strippers on them

buttnutt - 2008-07-30

I'm lost as to how that was a smackdown.

Rudy - 2008-07-30

You cannot hope to defeat her canned sound effects!

sheikurbouti - 2008-07-30

...and one month later Rove and his 68 daily polls got a good old fashioned ass-whooping.

Jeff Fries - 2008-07-30

Conservative radio needle drop: boring

StanleyPain - 2008-07-30

In right-wing looneyverse, a smackdown means ignoring reality and the world at large.

Desidiosus - 2008-07-30

In right-wing loonieverse, mere existence means ignoring reality and the world at large.

CornOnTheCabre - 2008-07-30

holy crap ive heard less sound-effects on an episode of Mad Money and a Shock-Jock Morning Drive put together

then again, considering every word between them was so astonishingly brain-numbing, it might not have been enough

Eroticus E - 2008-07-30


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